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Tenancy Reports is a feature that requires a Pro or Business Operations plan. It allows you to create and download reports that cover a variety of topics. 

Scroll down to learn more about the reports offered and what's contained within each.

Rent payments

  • Room Number.

  • Address.

  • Contract State.

  • Contract ID.

  • Tenant (name).

  • User ID.

  • Contract Start.

  • Contract End.

  • Contract Days.

  • Contract Weeks.

  • Contract Weekly Rent.

  • Contract Total Rent.

  • Rent Changed.

  • Current End.

  • Current Total Rent.

  • Total Rent Paid.

  • Total Rent Due.

  • Total Rent Arrears.

  • Debtor Notes.

  • Tenant Reference (for direct debits).

  • Bills Included.

  • Paid Fee.

  • Paid Deposit.

  • Paid On.

  • AST Completed.

  • Rent Payments (by period).

Sales positioning

  • Total Rooms Offline.

  • Total Rooms Online.

  • Total Room Nights Online.

  • Occupancy.

  • Total Rental Income.

  • Average Rate.

  • Total Room Nights Sold.

  • Total Rooms Sold.

Booking summary

  • Room Number.

  • Room Type.

  • Address.

  • Contract State.

  • Contract ID.

  • Tenant (name).

  • User ID.

  • Contract Start.

  • Contract End.

  • Contract Days.

  • Contract Weeks.

  • Contract Weekly Rent.

  • Contract Total Rent.

  • Rent Changed.

  • Current End.

  • Current Total Rent.

  • Payment Plan.

  • Direct Debit Status.

  • DD Status Changed.

  • Deposit.

  • Deposit Protected.

  • Deposit ID.

  • Tenant Signed.

  • Guarantor Signed.

  • Tenant Phone.

  • Tenant Email.

  • Check In.

  • Check Out.

  • Nationality.

  • University.

  • Student Number.

  • University Course.

  • Course Length.

  • Year of Study.

  • Booking Source.

  • AST Completed.

  • Visa Expiration.

  • Created (tenancy created).

  • Sent Out (sent out to tenants).

  • Emergency Contact Name.

  • Emergency Contact Relationship.

  • Emergency Contact Email.

  • Emergency Contact Phone.

  • Lead Source Title.

  • Lead Source Description.

Aged debtors

  • Room Number.

  • Address.

  • Contract State.

  • Contract ID.

  • Tenant (name).

  • User ID.

  • Tenant Email.

  • Tenant Phone.

  • Direct Debit.

  • Due on.

  • Balance owed..

  • Days Aged

Council tax exemption

  • Tenant (name).

  • User ID.

  • Room Number.

  • Address.

  • Contract Start.

  • Contract End.

  • Contract State.

  • Contract ID.

  • Student Number.

  • University.

  • University Course.

  • Year of Study.

  • Date of Birth.


  • Room Number.

  • Address.

  • Contract State.

  • Contract ID.

  • Tenant (name).

  • User ID.

  • Contract Start.

  • Contract End.

  • Contract Days.

  • Contract Weeks.

  • Contract Weekly Rent.

  • Contract Total Rent.

  • Rent Changed.

  • Current End.

  • Current Total Rent.

  • Total Rent Paid.

  • Total Rent Due.

  • Total Rent Arrears.

  • Tenant Reference.

  • Bills Included.

  • Paid Fee.

  • Paid Deposit.

  • Paid On.

  • AST Completed.