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Service packages are required in order to use the Statement of Accounts.

A Service package is a group of Transaction templates. It's then linked to the property a tenancy is created with. It will generate charges or credits for owners automatically based on the Transaction templates included.

Service packages are to be added to a property after that property is linked to an owner from the Contacts page. Once a tenancy for the property is fully signed, a statement thread is generated.

On your statements, the Service package linked to the property will be shown in the Fees & Disbursements section with any charges or credits triggered from Transaction templates are nested underneath.

Service packages page

A Service package can be created after you've set up your Transaction templates.

Service packages are managed from the Service packages page. This is accessed by clicking the [...] menu icon in the top right corner on the Statement of Accounts dashboard.

The Service packages page shows your current packages. You can edit the Transaction templates used or delete them.