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The Maintenance Analytics page allows you to see an overview of maintenance tickets that you have received and raised.

Use the filters for insights based on:

  • Tags used

  • The property address

  • Date range

There are seven charts which include:

  1. Ticket status

  2. Cost accrued

  3. Tags

  4. Assignee

  5. Active contractors

  6. Resolution period

  7. Ticket volume by tenant percentage

Ticket status

The ticket status chart shows:

  • The total number of maintenance tickets for the selected period and any filters applied

  • The status that the tickets are currently in

  • A key of the statuses included:

    • Unactioned.

    • Quote required.

    • Pending approval.

    • Scheduled.

    • Needs review.

    • Closed.

To see the number of tickets for each status, hover over the segment.

Cost accrued

The Cost accrued graph shows:

  • The cost they have accrued for the selected period and any filters applied.

  • The total figure is a sum of all invoice amounts (inc VAT).


The Tags chart shows from the inside ring out:

  • Level 1 - All the contractors assigned to tickets.

  • Level 2 - What status the contractor's tickets are in.

  • Level 3 - The property addresses that the tickets have been raised for.

  • Level 4 - The tags that have been added to the tickets.

  • The chart reflects the selected period and any filters applied.

To see the number of tickets, hover over the segment.


The Assignee chart shows:

  • The number of tickets assigned to users on your account what status the tickets are currently in for the selected period and any filters applied.

    • The list is ordered by the number of tickets assigned

  • A key of the statuses included:

    • Un-actioned.

    • Quote required.

    • Pending approval.

    • Scheduled.

    • Needs review.

    • Closed.

To see the number of tickets for each status, hover over the segment.

Active contractors

The Active contractors chart shows:

  • All the contractors that have tickets assigned to them and what status the tickets are currently in for the selected period and any filters applied.

    • The list is ordered by the number of tickets assigned.

  • A key of the statuses included:

    • Un-actioned.

    • Quote required.

    • Pending approval.

    • Scheduled.

    • Needs review.

    • Closed.

To see the number of tickets for each status, hover over the segment.

Resolution period

The Resolution period chart shows:

  • Three statistics on the BestAverage, and Worst ticket resolution times for the selected period.

  • A tooltip for each that shows additional details about the ticket when you hover over it.

Ticket volume by tenant percentage

The Ticket volume chart shows:

  • The percentage of tenants that have X number of tickets open for the selected period and any filters applied

  • Tenants with only 1 ticket are not shown

To view the tenants, click on a segment on the chart.