
Tenants can submit maintenance tickets from the Concurrent app and the tickets are sent to your Maintenance dashboard.

Requirements to create a maintenance job: 

  • At least one contractor added to your contacts.

Jobs managed by the contractors: 

These contractors have access to the Concurrent maintenance platform so they will be able to provide a quote (availability dates and times, quote price, quote documents) or reject the job request.

You can communicate with the contractor using the chat feature on the maintenance ticket. Once the job is complete, they will mark it as complete or incomplete.

Assign a contractor

Assign a contractor from the drop-down list and select if a quote is required.

  • New contractors must be added as a contact on your contacts page.

  • The assigned contractor is sent the maintenance job request which includes the details of the ticket.

    • The contractor will not see the tenant details or full property address until the job is scheduled.


The contractor can either respond to the job request or reject the request.

If the contractor responds and provides a quote, they need to provide:

  • At least one availability date and time.

  • The quote amount excluding VAT and the VAT %.

  • Any additional comments regarding the job.

  • An uploaded quote document.

If the contractor responds and no quote is required, they need to provide:

  • At least one availability date and time.

If the contractor rejects the job request:

  • You will be taken back to step 1 where you can select another contractor.

If the contractor hasn't responded and the job request hasn't expired, you have the option to send them a reminder email.

Click Send availabilities to tenant to send the availability dates and times to the tenant in the ticket chat. The tenant can select one of the options directly in the chat or request additional availabilities if none are suitable.

  • If they select none of these availabilities are suitable, click Request more availabilities.

Select the availability chosen by the tenant and click Schedule job:

  • In the overlay, select when the tenant receives the appointment notification in the chat.

Close job

After the contractor attends the appointment, they must mark the job as complete or incomplete.

  • The contractor marks it as complete:

    • They need to upload the invoice and any relevant attachments.

  • The contractor marks it as incomplete:

    • They need to provide the reason and upload any additional information.


Review the invoice, then click Mark as complete.

  • Add this invoice to a statement = No

  • Add this invoice to a statement = Yes

  • If you use the Statements of account system on StuRents, you have the option to add the invoice to an existing statement for the tenancy. If there are no available statements for the tenancy, you can select a statement for the property.

    • You can select whether you want to charge the owner for the invoice. The invoice would appear in the Fees & Disbursements section.

    • Invoices can only be attached to statements that have not been published.