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Creating a Report

Click Tenancy reports under the Reporting tab. Reports are downloaded as .xls files.

Click the Create a new report button.

Enter a report name.

Select the types of reports to include:

  • Rent Payments.

  • Sales Positioning.

  • Booking Summary.

  • Aged Debtors.

  • Council Tax Exemption.

  • Cashflow.

Select the locations covered.

  • All locations will be included if no location is selected.

Select the tenancy statuses covered:

  • All statuses will be included if no status is selected.

Enter the earliest start date and latest start date.

Set if you want the report to be emailed regularly.

  • If set to yes.

    • Select the frequency.

    • Select the day of the week.

    • Enter the email addresses for the report to be sent to.

Click Get .xls report or Save new report.

  • Get .xls report

    • Downloads the report

  • Save new report

    • Saves the report and shows the details that you set. You can download this report at any time.